1. Start a Conversation

New Users

If a User is not part of any Conversations yet, the FG - Create New Conversation element will be visible to them every time they navigate to the Messages page.

If the Current User is part of Conversations and would like to start a new Conversation, they can start a new Conversation by clicking any of the 3 "New Conversation" button elements:

What happens if a Conversation already exists between the Current User and the selected Users?

The template automatically checks when a Conversation already exists between the Current User and the selected Users. When true, the existing Conversation is displayed within the Repeating Group Messages (Existing Conversation) element (shown below). This way, the Current User knows that they will be sending a message to that existing Conversation thread, instead of starting a new thread with the same Users.



For more information on how existing Conversations are detected, please refer to the E. New Conversation workflow folder.

How do I change the email notification when New Conversations are created?

1. In the app editor, navigate to the API Workflows section by clicking here:

2. Modify the copy in the "send email" actions of the new_2person_conversation and new_group_conversation endpoints:

Note: If your application was created after 8/31, you do not need to customize the [www.your-website-name-goes-here....] text in the email actions because the template now uses the dynamic expression "Website's Home URL", instead of a static text value.

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