4. Delete or Leave a Conversation
Deleting or leaving a Conversation can be accomplished by clicking on any of the following elements:
Group Leave Conversation (Mobile)
Group Delete Conversation (Mobile)
Group Leave Conversation (Tablet)
Group Delete Conversation (Tablet)
Group Leave Conversation (Desktop)
Group Delete Conversation (Desktop)
When a Conversation has more than 2 Users, the "Leave Conversation" option is shown:
(When the Conversation has only 2 Users, the "Delete Conversation" option is shown instead of "Leave Conversation". They have the same purpose.)
When the Current User clicks either of these options, the workflow will remove the Current User from the Conversation's "participating Users" field (type: User, list: yes) and add the Current User to the Conversation's "Users left conversation" field (type: User, list: yes).
The workflow will also remove the Conversation from the Current User's "active Conversations" field (type: Conversation, list: yes) and add it to the Current User's "delete Conversations" field (type: Conversation, list: yes).
For more information on these workflows, please refer to the K. Search/Leave/Delete Conversation workflow folder.
Last updated